2 October, 2022
Wine, much more so than beer, is a drink best consumed with a group of friends. The more people join in, the more fun and interesting it becomes. I’ve known that since September 2020 when I drank wine with winemaker Thomas and his friends at the Loire for the first time – and talked about it. I really enjoy talking about what you taste. People often agree, but just as often disagree. What one likes, the other doesn’t like at all. Where one is very precise, describing colour, smell and the sensations on the palate in detail, the other is imprecise, but can add just as much to the entertainment with a funny reference. The more people drink, the more bottles can be opened. I usually try to take notes on every wine I drink. This only worked to a limited extent during this stay. We talked too animatedly, sometimes I was tired or didn’t have my reading/writing glasses with me, now and then I just wanted to enjoy the evening instead of scribbling around in my little book. So what follows is more of a label gallery of sorts!